Supraja Gayathri S
2 min readDec 8, 2020


Letting Go!

“Let it go. Things will fall into place with time, have patience.” , is the common words I get to here from my mother. And with all my 18 years of experience in this world, I am finally in agreement with what she says.

Letting go, being patient and going with the flow is the ultimate solution when you ever feel that things aren’t going right — the way you wanted it to be. But, trust me, being patient and staying clam in such situations and accepting reality really helps!

In every point of time in one’s life, we get to see many turning points and unexpected changes that might be drastic either in a positive or negative way. In either cases, dealing with it is more crucial than repenting on it. I got the chance to learn it many a times in my life, but could I hardly accept the fact. But now, I proudly do! Because, I believe in the theory of destiny and I feel that there is a purpose for every moment in your life, then be it having a pleasant evening with your family or a mishap that happened to you recently.

Once we understand and master the art of Optimism, any challenge or problem becomes no big deal. You tend to concentrate on finding solutions, rather than getting stuck with the difficulties and problems you face. You look at the “Brighter Side” of what just happened. And with those positive leads, you at last, figure your way out from the current situation and finally, Move on. I know it’s hard, but never impossible!

It’s all dependent on you, just YOU, on how you see every moment in your life. So, be it any part of life, Regardless of sorrow or happiness, Live it! Make the most of it and Move on! Even the Earth moves, ready, on bringing new changes, showing us both the darkness in moonlit nights before the brightness of sunny days!

All The Best!



Supraja Gayathri S

In journey of life with love for Nature, passion of Art, in the line of Business and in the path of Destiny, Discovering life!